Monday, March 22, 2010


I love when people over here ask me where I am from. I can see the determined look in their eyes when they are trying to figure out where my accent comes from. Am I British? No. Maybe Austrailian? No. Then the light goes on. The States? I guess my mutt-mix of South Dakotan and Texan drawl throws them for a loop. Even better are the looks after they figure out I am American, are when they find out I lived in Texas. Immediately they assume I carry a gun and follow in the footsteps of George W. Bush.

Makes me laugh every time.

I do love me some Austin! Josh and I lucked out getting to a trip back to visit. I probably shouldn't say it that way. Let me rephrase. Josh was required to attend the South by Southwest Interactive (SXSW) conference for work. As you know, Josh's final project with Blogger launched. Works for me. 

So, while Josh was attending lectures and networking with other technology geeks, I was basically catching up with friends and eating (fine, drinking) my way through the city.

Mushroom quesadillas and queso at Trudy's. Breakfast sandwich and french toast at Counter Cafe. Fajitas at El Chile. Baby back ribs at Artz Rib House. More bbq at Rudy's. Oh yes. One small girl can eat all of this. Thankfully, I did get one 4-mile run in around Town Lake before the sickness of all sicknesses attacked me.

Still not exactly sure what I got...maybe food poisoning (not from any of the places above), maybe the stomach flu that had been going around, maybe a combination of the two with a side of mega-allergies. I haven't been that sick in a long, long time. I am still trying to recover from its' hold on me.

Somehow I made it through the week. I was a warrior with only a few extra naps required in between friend outings. I hate to admit it though. The subject of moving to Seattle instead of back to Austin (whenever that day should come) was discussed -- briefly, very briefly.

I swear it was the congestion speaking.

We loved being back and seeing all of our friends. You all mean the world to us and we hope to see each and every one of you over on our side of the pond someday soon.


  1. Two-fold:
    - I love how you have selective hearing even when you talk. Makes me feel better.
    - And, you actually read a post!


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