Friday, December 11, 2009

More Family

Picked up the brother, sister-in-law, and 3-year old nephew yesterday from the Flughafen. It only took 6 months for each member of my family to make the long trip over to our side of the world. I am pretty proud and completely spoiled!

It has been great having all the company, but now with my nephew in town, I get to see Switzerland from a whole new perspective -- a toddler's perspective. Nothing can beat this.

Yesterday Drew (my nephew) got to ride on lots of trains and trams. He has even figured out that the #7 tram takes him to our apartment. So smart. We are also teaching him how to say "hello" and "goodbye" in Swiss German. I think he thinks "Tschuss" is the sound the train makes makes! "Tschuss! Tschuss! All Aboard!"

I asked him yesterday what would make his trip to Switzerland the best besides just riding on trains. He casually responded, "...if we ride bigger trains".

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