Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eye Patch, Anyone?

Or maybe a quick-fix remedy to make this swelling go down? I got the pleasure of waking up this morning to a swollen right eye. My best guess is that it came from a bug bite, but I haven't completely ruled out Josh or Stella smacking me in the face last night. I swear these things only happen to me.  What bug bites your eyelid? Why me? And, don't say it is because I am just sooooo sweet -- the bugs just can't resist me.


  1. Oh no! Hope you're ok. Maybe Baden bit you :)

  2. I don't think so. Thanks again for the tour of Baden yesterday. Can't wait to get back out there soon. Hope to see you and the hubbie soon.

  3. Hey - that actually happens to me a lot here. I think it is the bug bites. I am very allergic to them here it seems... did it go down? Mine always take awhile but they do go down. Good luck!

  4. It is better this morning, but still there. I just got back from the Apotheke trying to explain that I need an antihistamine. At least I can see better today.


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